Images and Thoughts from your two favorite local seniors and sports photographers.

February 18, 2009

St. Croix Central Boys Basketball vs. Plum City

Adam and I watched the St. Croix Central Boys Varsity Basketball team take on Plum City this evening, and what a game it was. It is very fun to watch the Panthers play. They are very scrappy - quick and aggressive and always around the ball.

We set up two lights, one on each side of the basket, and crosslit the court. I think the look is very nice, as the light is lightly forward of the players most of the time. Shooting ambient about a stop down helps the players stand out/pop very nicely. As this was our first time shooting sports together, and we were both using the same lights, our timing was something to work on, but it got better throughout the evening.

Talking with Michele Lyksett during and after the game, we established what it is that we want to do with this type of image - we want to offer magazine quality images of high school sports to the players and their families. This is something that isn't being done in this area, and I think (as do other people as well) that this type of product will do well.

To that end, we are establishing this blog and a link to a site that will provide the ability for anyone with the passcode (maybe) to view and purchase prints from each sporting event in the Central St. Croix County area. At this time, the primary school that we will cover is St. Croix Central, but soon we wish to extend our coverage to other schools.

Thanks for stopping by, let us know what you think!

Adam and Wade

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